I just spend the last two weeks in Northern Thailand awaiting my Chinese visa. During that waiting period, I decided to go to Pai and met some Singaporeans who educated me on all things Singapore and it’s fascinating. Over the course of our conversation I learned the below:
All Singapore male over the age of eighteen have to compulsory military service, almost exactly like Israel
Singapore is the shining beacon of capitalism in an almost exclusively Muslim territory
Malaysia is predominantly Muslim, they share a border with Singapore
This is significant because Malaysia is starting to become a haven for ISIS members, which makes the Malaysia-Singapore border very contentious. Making Singapore feel like they have to take even more precautions across the board.
Indonesia is the worlds largest Muslim country with about 12% of the worlds Muslim population
There is a huge wealth gap, think crazy rich asians vs. slumdog millionaire. It’s universe of difference.
There is a test kids take that determines what schools they can go to, what their career will be and a lot of other factors very early in life
Also they have quota on Indians that can be lawyers, apparently too many Indians are lawyers and they’re taking jobs away from others.